Author Archives


13 August 2020

Changelog 2020-08-13

Changed Project list now can be filtered by lease status with real-time data update from our API.Auto detect and remove circular dependency in the process of creating a template.Add Server-Side filter/sort/pagination functionality… Read More

29 July 2020

Changelog 2020-07-29

Changed Version number in footer: 2020-07-29.Add a new Lease Status Option as “Renewal” in Project Create Lease Section.Project List updated to use a fast and new pagination mechanism with Loading Spinner show… Read More

15 July 2020

Changelog 2020-07-15

Changed Version number in footer: 2020-07-15 Tasks is sorted by due date by default in task list page. Project show page header now can display the handover date information. Signup page doesn’t… Read More