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Budgeting for Innovation & Technology

As the end of the financial year looms, budgets have been reviewed, assessed and approved for the upcoming financial year.  How many of you included an innovation line item in your budgets?

We all know how vital budgets are for the success of a project and/or an asset and its management.  We all want to make money and ensure sufficient return on investment.

Generally we invest for the long term.  Term deposits, house purchases, shares.  The same principle can be applied for investing in innovation and technology in the property and real estate industries.

As Steve Gatt of KMPG recently said, it’s all about the medium to long term savings when investing in technology in the property industry.  Encouraging directors, asset managers, CEOs to look ahead to ensure those savings is the tough part.  Be brave, look into the future and include that line item!  You can see Steve’s comments here: