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We talk a lot about the ‘single point of truth’ in your tasks and projects. ‘Status’ tells you the single point of truth about any resource at any given moment.

Each condition, task, phase, key date, and project has a status. Status is indicated by an icon next to the title of that resource, which will tell you whether your resource is ahead or behind, complete or incomplete, and open or closed.

Each resource has a different set of rules on how it uses these variables to determine status.

Condition Status

  • Complete or Incomplete: a condition is complete if action has been taken directly on the condition to meet it’s requirements – such as a document uploaded, a question answered, a date entered etc.
  • Open or Closed: a condition is open by default, and the condition is closed once it has been completed OR once it has been dismissed.
  • Ahead or Behind: a condition cannot be ahead or behind, despite the fact its parent task can be ahead or behind.

Task Status

  • Complete or Incomplete: Tasks are complete once all of their child conditions have been completed
  • Open or Closed: Tasks are open by default, and are closed when they have been manually closed with the button on the task page.
  • Ahead or Behind: A task is ahead if it’s scheduled finish date is in the future; a task is behind when it has exceeded its length, and therefore its scheduled ‘end date’ is in the past.

Phase Status

  • Complete or Incomplete: A phase is incomplete when any of it’s child tasks are incomplete; a phase is closed when all child tasks have been completed
  • Open or Closed: A phase is considered closed when all child tasks have been closed. Phases have no direct action to close.
  • Ahead or Behind: Any child tasks are behind

Key Date Status

  • Complete or Incomplete: A key date status is considered complete once all child tasks in its critical path have been completed
  • Open or Closed: A key date status is considered closed once all child tasks in its critical path have been closed.
  • Ahead or Behind: Key date status is considered ‘ahead’ if the date is in the future and the tasks in the critical path are on track to be closed before the key date. The key date status is considered behind either a) if the date is in the past but there are still open tasks on its critical path, or b) if the date is in the future but the tasks on the critical path are scheduled to be closed after the date.

Project Status

  • Complete or Incomplete: A project is complete when all child tasks (and implicitly, phases) have been completed.
  • Ahead or Behind: A project is ahead when all of its child tasks are ahead; a project is behind when any child tasks are behind.
  • Open or Closed (Archived): Projects are open by default, and are closed when they have been manually closed with the ‘archive’ button in the project toolbar (‘closed’ projects are referred to as ‘archived’).

Status Icons and Colours Reference Chart

Condition Incomplete & Open
Condition Dismissed

Task Incomplete, Open & Ahead
Phase Incomplete, Open & Ahead
Key Date Incomplete, Open & Ahead
Project Incomplete, Open & Ahead
Task Complete, Open & Ahead
Phase Complete, Open & Ahead
Key Date Complete, Open & Ahead
Project Complete, Open & Ahead
Task Incomplete, Open & Behind
Phase Incomplete, Open & Behind
Key Date Incomplete, Open & Behind
Project Incomplete, Open & Behind
Task Complete, Open & Behind
Phase Complete, Open & Behind
Key Date Complete, Open & Behind
Project Complete, Open & Behind
Condition Complete & Closed
Task Complete & Closed
Phase Complete & Closed
Key Date Complete & Closed
Project Complete & Closed
Task Incomplete & Closed
Phase Incomplete & Closed
Key Date Incomplete & Closed
Archived Project: Condition Incomplete & Open
Archived Project: Task Incomplete & Open
Archived Project: Phase Incomplete & Open
Archived Project: Condition Complete & Closed
Archived Project: Task Complete & Closed
Archived Project: Phase Complete & Closed
Project Complete & Closed (Archived)
Archived Project: Task Incomplete & Closed
Archived Project: Phase Incomplete & Closed
Project Incomplete & Closed (Archived)