Changelog 2020-08-27
- Activity Feed on Home page has been optimized with Server-side pagination.
- Remove irrelevant or less important information in Activity Feed on Home Page.
- Add Server-side filter/sort/pagination functionality to Portfolio Index Page.
- Add Server-Side filter/sort/pagination functionality to Template List/Index Page.
- Project create process has been improved with our API v2.
- Performance Improvement on Portfolio Show Page with API v2.
- Performance Improvement on Portfolio Report Page with API v2.
- Timeline component now allows users to click and pop up date details.
- Tenancy now is correctly displayed in Google Map View in the Project Create Process.
- Breadcrumb and Welcome font color now is black.
- Footer information now is centered horizontally with black font color.
- Blue underlines in the Master Head now is reflected correctly in different pages.Ï
- Sprint Date has been updated to 2020.08.27