Changelog 2020-09-10
- Property List Page now have a loading spinner while the data is loading.
- New Designed SignUp Page with mobile version.
- New Designed SignIn Page with mobile version.
- New Designed Password Reset Page with mobile version.
- New Morning Briefing works from Monday to Friday showing number of ahead & behind tasks.
- Documents under conditions/projects/tenant/properties/ledgers now is in a list with filtering function.
- Home page project & task should redirect to related index page with filter applied.
- User registered by an invitation link now should be redirected to the project after successful SignUp.
- Template Task Edit Modal: set ‘copied to roles’ to null by default.
- Template Task Edit Modal: won’t add same roles twice to spectators.
- Footer Font Size now is larger.
- All portfolio report now is able to filter opened or all projects.
- Project show page workflow tab progress tab fixed.
- Documents download function fixed.